Regulation 67/1

In February 1942, SS Gruppenführer Ulrich Greifelt from Himmler’s office issued Regulation 67/1 for dealing with (Polish) children, which instructed RKFDV (The Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of German Nationhood) and RuSHA (SS Race and Settlement Main Office) officials in the following terms:

Regulation 67/1 for dealing with (Polish) children
Regulation 67/1 for dealing with (Polish) children

“In order to be able to regain for German Folkdom those children, whose racial appearance indicates nordic parents, it is necessary that the children who are in former Polish orphanages and with Polish foster-parents, are subjected to a racial and psychological process of selection. These children, who are considered to be racially valuable to German Folkdom, shall be Germanized …”

The decree further provided, in great detail, for the registration of the children, their racial examination by RuSHA, a medical examination and their subsequent treatment. Particular care was taken to keep secret that the children involved were of Polish “stock”:

“Special attention is to be given that the expression ‘Polish children suitable for Germanization’ may not reach the public to the detriment of the children. The children are rather to be designated as German orphans from the regained Eastern Territories.”

Greifelt was convicted at the RuSHA trial at Nuremberg, sentenced to life imprisonment, and died in Landsberg Prison shortly after, at the age of 52.