The SS Race and Settlement Main Office

The RuSHA – Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt “in charge of racial matters” was created in 1931 by two important SS officials – Heinrich Himmler and Richard Walther Darré. Initially, they were just overseeing the implementation of Himmler’s “1931 Marriage Order”, that is, they were responsible for issuing certificates of racial purity and marriage permits to members of the SS (only after a thorough investigation proved both prospective marriage partners to be of Aryan descent dating back to 1800).

The SS Race and Settlement Main Office
The SS Race and Settlement Main Office

In 1935, around the time Himmler introduced the Lebensborn programme, they were upgraded to an SS Main Office. After that, “the office’s tasks included doing research and providing instruction on race issues, including special training courses for elite Nazi groups; making sure that SS men and their wives were racially pure; carrying out the resettlement of SS men in Nazi-occupied countries as part of the global Nazi plan for expanding the German Reich throughout Europe; and encouraging them to settle on farm lands near cities.”

They were also in charge of confiscating land, “resettling” (very often a Nazi euphemism for deportation and/or murder) entire villages as well as conducting racial research and assessing the racial value of the population, in addition to implementing the so-called “Germanization policy” in occupied territories. Additionally, they oversaw the work of the Lebensborn network of maternity homes for “racially valuable mothers”. It is estimated that the RuSHA office activities caused the greatest forced migration of people in the history of Europe.